We Have Been Set Free!!

Candace Harding Medel
4 min readMay 1, 2020

Artistically Speaking…

Photo by Utopia By Cho on Unsplash

As we are being “contained” our creativity is being set free. Finally our brains have enough bandwidth available for imaginative thought. We have enough time (boy do we have time) to paint, sketch, compose, choreograph, cook and sew.

Business as usual is a thing of the past. This crisis has effected everyone from the gig worker to the CEO with them and everyone in between wondering where their next paycheck is coming from.

While so many of us are experiencing loss, fear, anxiety and stress, The Arts are a catalyst to calm. They are a way to express ourselves, put ourselves out there, show our vulnerabilities and connect with others sharing the same struggles. Whether it is dance, music, song or a form of the visual arts, it is a way to share hope, encouragement, love and the essence of life.

If you are a lover of the arts or an artist yourself, you may already be noticing the change. Art is taking on a new value in our society. It’s not just something pretty to look at or listen to. It is essential. Essential for our well being, our mental health and our brain function. Founder and director of Manhattan Arts International, Renee Phillips articulated that “Art can change a person’s outlook and the way they experience the world.

